Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Anonymous Woman Pays off Kmart Layaways

This was the inspiration for starting this blog. For years I have been disturbed by the amount of negative news that we all pay attention to. Finally the other day at work a customer told me this story and it just struck me that I should start a blog focusing only on the wonderful things that people (and animals) do.

In  Omaha, Neb an anonymous woman payed off around 50 layaway accounts for people buying toys and clothing for children. She also walked up to people in line obviously buying presents for children and paid the bill. One man waiting in line with his three children was so moved that he burst into tears.
Before she left the store she passed out 50 dollar bills. All she asked for in return is that people remember her husband "Ben" who had recently passed away.

This event has inspired several "Secret Santas" around the country to walk into Kmart stores and pay off thousands in customer bills. Kmart swears that they did not instigate these events, they seem to be just good people wanting to make someones holiday a little brighter.

Happy Winter Solstice!

:) Franny


  1. Awesome story Franny, thanks for sharing! Great idea for a blog! We can always use more positivity, and inspiration in our lives. :)

  2. This is a great idea, keep it up I'll be reading.
